I would like express appreciation for new agent
For anthem, e77, taking just a month to settle my issue. Yvonne. Great job.
Hello everyone, I have had my Anthem AVM 70 (which has been a great addition) closing in on a year and would like to get some feedback/suggestions on my latest arc calibration as I added a 3rd sub and upgraded ceiling speakers. What is the best way to share my cal file as new users are only allowed to share one image at a time?
You can either:
- send the .arc3 file to my email
- upload the .arc3 file to a cloud service - e.g. google drive, dropbox and provide the shared link here.
I will take a look.
Hello Desray, and thank you for the offer. I will package all my files tonight and share the link.
Hi Desray, if it is not too much trouble, can you message me your email? as I wasn’t sure how to access it.
Anthem just released a new stable version of the ARC s/w (ver 1.10.5).
Here’s the changelog:
Download here: ARC: Downloads
Yap checked for updates done few weeks ago cheers.
Anybody know when dts x pro launch?
It doesn’t really matter when this is rolling out. Already gave up a long time ago. Besides there is no content at the moment to take advantage of this format.
Hi Desray,
I saw your post that you may be hosting a HT demo this week. Being a newbie and just set up my own HT, would it possible for me to join this session?
Not sure how to do a PM as did not see the links to PM in your thread.
Thanks much and Happy Christmas holidays…
Ck tan, welcome to the club. Anthem.
Replied u via PM.
Just sharing my experience. For those having issues with the system-wide target SPL not at 75dB, the issue seems to be the positioning of your mic distance and height during the 5 positions. I know many of have been following the 'X" pattern with varying degrees of angle and height. I discovered that if you lower your mic too much below the height of the first position (usually at ear level), your subsequent reading will be screwed up. This can be easily spotted with a huge difference in the first mic position reading.
The solution is to take the first 3 mic position readings at the same height as the first mic position but at different positions - e.g. moving the mic to the left (2nd position) and then moving the mic to the right (3rd position) by a few inches (30cm or so). For the 4th and 5th mic positions, you can elevate the mic stand to a few inches (30cm or so) up to get the height readings. I have tried a few times and it worked flawlessly every time for me.
Try it and see if it works for you.
Hi, I’m introducing myself. I have an MRX 1140 and I’m trying (with help) to find the best configuration for my stereo music system. We’ve managed to find the perfect sound for my home theater system, but I can’t find it for music. My music setup is 2.1, the front speakers are two Yamaha HS80 monitors and a SVS PB2000 subwoofer. These nearfield monitors used to have a very clear and lively sound along with the bass of the subwoofer. But now I can’t get that crystal-clear, transparent and at the same time spectacular sound that they had before (I came from an MRX300). It’s crazy, but after the sound I’ve reach on movies (7.1.4), I can’t find the right point for stereo music. Reading the thread, I see that there are people who limit the correction to 500hz to better correct room problems. I haven’t tried that yet, but the reality is that now I have a very correct sound but the music doesn’t “transmit” to me. It’s hard to explain but I hope someone can help me because I’m starting to go crazy ;). Thanks for your advice and this thread which has been very helpful in understanding how the whole correction system works. Sorry about my Mistakes writting in english.
Can I take a look at your arc3 file. Pls send to admin@avdisco.com
Many thanks #desray ! And another question for all of you, what is the best way to listen to Tidal or other platforms with the best lossless sound? How should we connect our Anthem? Bluetooth is not the way, there is a lot of compression, just like with Airplay, how do you have it connected? How do you listen music?
Use a streamer like this: EverSolo DMP-A6 Streamer with DAC
I just gleaned the arc3 file you’ve sent me. In your email, you briefly mentioned that you want me to take a look at Yonette’s modified setting and the Music setting and you find the 2 channel stereo is not lacking clear and “lively” soundstage, am I right? I take it that you are satisfy with Yonette’s setting for movies and don’t want me to edit?
I noticed you have 2 other Profiles, namely CINE and FIESTA. Are those profiles currently in use or are you sticking to Yonette’s setting for movie viewing now? Care to elaborate.
@Fonsao, check your email. I have made some changes to the Profile “MUSICA”. Renamed it to “MUSIC-AV”. Upload to the AVR and re-run the Auto-phase correction. Let me know how it sound.