*Official Thread* Anthem AVM 70 & 90 and MRX 540, 740 & 1140

How does the Rotel rmb-1585 compare to the Anthem mca 525 gen 2?

Rewatch Spider-Man into the spiderverse, this is one animation that I have watched at least 10x on the system with the previous lyngdorf processor. ( little boy is a big fan)

I was totally shocked when I re-watched it again on the anthem yesterday

The video you are seeing is hdmi direct from AVM90 to projector …( I removed the hd fury 8k from the chain)… video is also reference … beautiful scope 2.35:1 with black masking bar in place… solid… very happy with the set up…

I’ll definitely be cutting out some scenes for demo…

Audio for this was 9.9/10 , very dynamic sounding… there were so many superb demo worthy scenes with this animation, I didn’t get this type of experience with the lyngdorf processor previously… as I have discovered now, the subs have their own sound signature and bass signature… so does the speaker… but that’s only 1/2 the story also…. The processor is another animal that transforms the entire presentation…

Opening scene has so much articulation the bass was moving around …

Train scene was also very good the whoosh, so fast… the tracking of bass with on screen action is first class !

Take a leap of faith scene is also solid, the sweeping bass is fantastic … goes down low… wow so nice the feeling

Spiderman spins king pin with the web and throw him away in the end also nice, The bass feeling is like energy turning two rounds counter clockwise … amazing articulation, it’s on another level how bass energy is panning in the room …. The last time I experienced this type of articulation was with Harry Potter dtsX soundtrack…. It is not really about bass piercing your heart or rumbling the chair… the bass is actually moving around you tracking the on screen action… superb feeling…

This animation really revealed it, it also has height bass ! Tactile is hitting head levels, my hair is moving… Holy friholy….

I thought dungeons and dragons had a rating of 9.9 for audio from spare change; if that had a 9.9 rating , this one was like 19.8! Exceeded my expectations! It beats the dungeons and dragons movie hands down for soundmix…

The bass is so much more snappy , fast and dynamic…

Atmos object placement and sound panning is also superb…

This AVM90 never fails to impress… one after another… it continues to impress … it’s very :skull_and_crossbones:,


I came across this question on anthem FB group, I read through the comments section, and found that most people including group expert are not aware of the differences between the levels on the main page vs the levels on speaker section in the web GUI

Any anthem owners wanna take a wild guess ? Why are we seeing levels to be adjusted at 2 sections ? The main page and the speaker levels page

I’m surprised to learn many users are not aware of this. The speaker level at main zone affects the speakers as a pair (mains) while the speaker level at the Speakers section are calibrated values or what I will call trim values to ensure each speaker (notice the difference is each individual speaker instead of a pair) matches the reference level of 75dB. Once calibration completed, do not meddle with the trim values except for a few dB that you try to balance it. However, one can still manipulate the reference level inside the ARC s/w to fine tune the response of the speakers and the subwoofers. I am supposed to come up with a tutorial but have been really busy at work. I will cover in the workshop if anyone is interested.

The main reason is as follows:

On the web interface, the difference between the 2 would be the main page is system wide while speaker page is profile specific. You will also see this in ARC Genesis but ARC will have adjustment levels where this is profile specific.

So the correct method for doing this is to first complete your ARC work, followed by dialing in the levels using absolute levels ( either spatial toolkit disc or dolby disc)

These should to be done in every profile, where the user adjust the trim levels at speaker profile to level match the entire system …

System wide meaning that any level adjustment done on the main page; will apply to every single profile… whereas speaker level adjustment, only applies to specific profiles…

So example if you have “news watching” profile, where you tweak the voicing curve to focus on vocals… one will need to adjust for the levels post calibration specifically for this profile …

If u have a “ movie profile” with voicing for movies, then the speaker levels adjustment will be different again…

So yea, hope that helps…

Levels at the main page, applies to all profiles whilst levels adjustment at speakers, are tied down to specific profiles

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That sums it all up perfectly.

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I guess I spoke too soon about the remote.

Due to the recent hot and humid weather here in Singapore , I have come to realise that the anthem remote feels a bit sticky ! Oh no, not that sticky feeling again !!

I was quite happy with the new remote, no more issues with the buttons, until recently I start to get that stick to the hand sticky type of feeling with the remote

How to solve this ?

Oh…u are not the only one…
.my remote got sticky recently…talked to Arvind,refered me to TEG…they have got in touch with Anthem… awaiting reply.


Yes, mine also. Need to shrink wrapped with cellophane :joy:

I will be surprised to hear Anthem willing to do a replacement for “sticky” remote controller. :joy:

Let’s wait n see…

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Ya already feel weird keep asking to change the remote… I also feel :smiling_face: keep asking for replacement…

I normally put it inside the sofa compartment, special place for remote. But recently been lazy so left it out, next thing I know it’s getting sticky !!


Really hope anthem will improve on this…

It’s the only complain I have on anthem

Heard that the recent software has also fixed the auto phase tuning feature… the summation of mains to subs seems to be done correctly…

Some others have reported

Tried this…good as new, removed the top cover and did a good rub.


Hope it last! :slight_smile:

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What s/w version are you on? 1.6.10? And yes, the latest and best one right now is 1.7.4 which is the official version. Everything works like a charm.

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Ya…forgot to mention …hope it stays… Sticky free.

Nice ! Will give it a try , thanks

Ya old version. Haven’t touched it ever since… been enjoying the system for the past 1 year…

Time flies… it’s been 1 year with the AVM90 now

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If you have this, it can also help to remove the sticky residue as well. I am using this to remove mine. So far so good.

After cleaning, apply a thin layer of coconut oil used to moisturize the skin to prevent the mold from growing again.

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Give it a try. No harm since you can always easily upload the original arc file if the new one doesn’t work. I have better luck with the latest version 1.7.4 since its beta stage. And now it’s already official version. This tells a lot about the stability of ver 1.7.4.

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