*Official Thread* Anthem AVM 70 & 90 and MRX 540, 740 & 1140


Finally starting explore my AVM90 as my speakers are getting connected. Have 5.1 connected currently, ran a couple ARC calibration and testing different profiles with Music and some familiar HT demo clips.

One thing I noticed, the volume level seems louder? - 30dB on anthem sounds way louder than - 30dB on previous denon Avr. Anyone notice similar? This is with default calibration levels - I assume ARC would set trims etc to usual reference levels.

2nd thing I noticed, wanted to check how DSU sounds with stereo, as I’m also checking center channel timbre vs LR mains. However, very surprised that center is totally silent with DSU on stereo content. There doesn’t seem to be a center channel spread option, that Gene fought so hard for… Any experience on this?

Lastly, I noticed the subwoofer autophase, doesn’t not set automatically when a new calibration profile is created, eg for different levels of bass room curve. So each new profile, either need to rerun autophase, or if it is the same exact sub settings, just manually input in the app or IP screen. Note one cannot enter the subwoofer phase correction angles in ARC, that will only be set when autophase is run.

So if constantly change target curves to test different sound options, must remember to re-enter the subwoofer phase angles manually after each time loading new ARC profile… Or just run autophase for each profile, I guess…

That’s all for now. Haha.

So far, very impressed with the sound of the AVM90. Imo, this is no small part due to ARC running at full 192khz. A lot of audyssey and even Dirac platforms only run at 48khz (!) and this is immediately audible as a loss of transparency, even if zero EQ is applied. Also reason why many may choose to turn audyssey off…

Iirc, datasat processor ran Dirac at 96khz… Emotiva RMC 1 supposedly runs at 192khz.

Trinnov, apparently runs dsp at the native bit rate of the content, meaning it doesn’t resample for maximum transparency. If the content is native 48k, it will run at 48khz. Likewise at 192khz for content at this rate.

However, the recent Altitude 16 update to add 4 extra channels output making it 20 channels came with a caveat, that they had to limit the sampling rate, can’t recall if it is 48k or 96k…

Oops, sorry for the long tangent!

Edit : love the Anthem bass and treble tone controls that works with ARC, perfect for on the fly adjustment. Unlike audyssey on D&M, tone controls disabled. It is actually not an audyssey limited, it was available on my previous Onkyo Audyssey avr…little things, but important things…


Yes, that’s right. It is louder. There’s nothing wrong. A different approach by Anthem. As long as reference target level is at 75dB in the speaker level setting, you are fine. You just need to acclimitize to the new MV for Anthem.

Did you enable “DSU” for 2 channel content in the Web UI? Do that and see if you can get the center spread feature working. I recalled I heard sound from center channel as well when I played back 2 channel content with DSU engaged.

Yes, if you created a new profile AFTER you run autophase, the new profile will not capture the phase results. You need to re-run the auto phase again. And yes, once the phase value is “determined” by ARC, you cannot change the phase value within the ARC s/w. The “only way” you can do that is to go to the Web UI and “manually” change the phase using the slider for each individual profile if you so desired.

Yes, that’s correct. Sometimes, the phase value just doesn’t “look right”. Best practice is to follow the following sequence:

  1. Upload the ARC results to your MRX first.
  2. After upload completed, turn off and on the MRX.
  3. Quit ARC s/w. Fire up the ARC s/w again and reload the latest ARC file.
  4. Proceed to do auto phase adjustments
  5. Once completed, recycle by power down the MRX and power up again.
  6. Go to the Web UI and play with the polarity switch. Cycle between Normal and Inverted to see if the freq response curve is correct - make sure no unusual dips and peaks.
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Thanks for the detailed info. The autophase calibration is quite unclear. If I created 2 or 3 profiles at one go after measurements, does it have to run autophase separately for each profile? It is not clear from the UI how this would work. It does not allow selection of specific profile for autophase to be run?

For eg I may choose different bass management xo frequency for different profile. Then for sure it needs separate autophase calibration. Will have to experiment see how it works.

Regarding DSU, I am able to select DSU for stereo content. I verified that sound is coming from side surrounds as expected, but center is totally silent…

One noob question, how do I stream or play music files from network? Is this supported?


The auto phase will run for all the profiles sharing the same measurement when the auto phase is engaged. Changes to settings like room gain, deep bass boost, and x-over for mains will have an impact on the phase results. For profile creation - e.g. one profile for the movie, one profile for the music. You can create up to 6 profiles if I recalled correctly as I only used up to 3 (those I have mentioned above). A profile is not to be confused with doing another measurement at a different seat location. For instance, some prefer o use a different set of measurements (can be A, B or C). For the majority, just one measurement (e.g. Measurement A can be used for different profiles since we are measuring mostly from the MLP or emperor seat). I agreed, it can be confusing and sometimes the results may vary from one calibration session to the next, this is attributed to the changes in the angle and height of the mic placement. This is why some users complained about the inconsistency in phase values when performing different ARC sessions despite no change to the gears and placement. I will usually perform auto phase for at least 2 tries to ensure the results are fairly consistent. I assume you are using the latest stable version of ARC s/w (1.7.4)?

Are you using HDMI or Analog for that particular Input? It only works on HDMI, not Analog.

I never really try streaming to the Anthem. Most of the time there is always a source connecting to my Anthem MRX. E.g. Apple Music, Oppo or Zidoo 2 channel, etc. There is no file browser mode or you to browse through the catalog of songs from your NAS based on my experience if that’s what you asking. All via Bluetooth from your MacBook or smartphone.

An additional tip for you. You can create different Inputs for the same source. E.g. Apple TV, I have created 3 inputs, one for movies, one for music and one for 2 channel. You can create as many virtual inputs.


This is my favourite feature ! Apart from the above, You can can also opt to deactivate the centre channel and create another input for this just to compare. So HT 6.1.6 vs HT 7.1.6, you can compare if phantom centre sounds nicer to you or the version with centre speaker sound nicer. They will both have the same EQ profile, or u can even choose a different eq profile for each…

Very versatile…

Yes, will use multiple input profile to compare different EQ settings - eg different crossover frequency, limited vs full band correction etc.

My test with DSU is with HDMI, playback stereo songs from Jriver. Previously playing Jriver via external dac and coax input. Both cases DSU works but center is silent…

I noticed one other difference. With HDMI input playing stereo, I don’t seem to be able to select Anthem Logic Music… When I was using dac with coax input Logic Music works, and it sounded natural as well.


Btw the anthem App is out on android and soon IOS.

Not sure if it is same as the Web UI.

Yes love the app. Can do a lot

That’s odd… Like that I’m not sure what to advise anymore on the centre spread.

The other thing I noticed, on Quick Measure, at the bottom left there are 2 buttons to Save Snapshot, so you can compare one measurement vs another to fine tune settings or placement etc.

But the buttons are grayed out, can’t save and overlay to compare?

Take one image at a time only. No overlay.

I see, interesting… I would think what I’m trying to do is the most natural use case. That’s why they made quick measure feature…

Edit : I take that back. User error, it works to hold plots and compare.
But those buttons only become non-greyed out DURING measurements, that’s when you can save a plot or delete a plot. And the measurements only start showing after 3 sweeps, so you have to start measure, wait 3 sweeps, then can save or remove plots.

Let’s just say that there is still "the room* for improvement in every software. It takes time.

@Wechnivag , share your calibration results here.

Will share In good time, still quite far from ready… Only sub and center channel is the new gear ready … LR mains using old speakers, acoustic treatment and panels also not really placed. Side surrounds in, back surrounds had a defective part waiting for replacement… Haha. Still at 5.1.

Atmos speakers wood not yet cut… :rofl:

LoL… Sounds like a long way to go. :joy:

That said, here’s the current target curve I’m testing.
Typically I limit correction to about 1-2khz depending how good or bad it looks. Instead of applying downwards tilt via full range correction, I lower the calibration slightly to let it rolloff naturally, and then adjust the low end to balance.

I have always been a fan of Audyssey DEQ for the upper bass and low mid curve up to ~300hz, which sounds more balanced and natural to me than a pure LFE room curve that is mainly 100hz and below.

I know many find the DEQ boost too boomy in the upper ranges, but somehow it works for me… And I find myself going back to this curve when I follow my ears…

Looks good…a gradual rise of +10dB from 200Hz to 15hz. Your sub (I assume it is one subwoofer as I don’t see another curve present) must be able to sustain that output level at low freq. Your sub seems to have plenty of headroom to deliver that output. Can take a screenshot at the subwoofer portion as well. Wanna take a look at how ARC deals with the high/low freq cutoff.

Here’s the sub quick measure, with and without ARC.

I have pretty good native gain below ~30 Hz, experimenting if it should cut it off with ARC, or leave it, like free BEQ…

Unfortunately I have a null in the 30-40hz range, that I have to try and mitigate with some acoustic treatment later.

It is currently connected as a single sub channel, but there are more than one sub driver :grin: