LG Display (TV/Projector) Owner Thread

Here is a 3D printed lens cover for the LG HU/AU 810 that blocks the stray light projected on the ceiling or the floor


funny, how do you get this?

possible to print few more and share to friends here?

Here is a link to the 3D printer files for you to make your own

LG HU810/AU810 Lens Shade

As for casual 3D printing service, check on Carousell


Thanks !

Here is it mounted on my LG HU810

Don’t mind the bits of glue left over from when I used tape :rofl:


Similar concept on the BenQ projector model 2700 and 5700.

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Most 0.47" DLP will suffer from light leakage. If you have a black ceiling then its no problem, otherwise light may reflect onto your screen reducing contrast.

Looks good :+1:t2:

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Thanks Sammy for the tips!
I got 3D print from carousell and it match perfectly !


Power @sammy!

Great! This hobby is fun!

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Thanks Sammy for the template

I just placed an order for myself and bro NGSK, inexpensive. Ours rest on the shelf. So I suppose the reverse applies preventing light spill below the screen instead. I do have 2 pieces DIY masking bar that absorbs the light spill when watching content in scope . But this is a nice addition for all us LG Laser users

Yes. Mine is shelf mounted as well. Some light spill actually reflects off the couch and floor to the screen without it being blocked

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Just gotten my lens cover for LG AU810PB two weeks ago vide 3D print , thanks to Sammy for sharing the link

So the material is made of ASA

ASA filament (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) is the perfect all-purpose 3D printing thermoplastic, suitable for many different applications. It has a similar chemical makeup to ABS plastic but offers three improvements: better mechanical properties, superior aesthetics and it’s UV resistant.

ASA is a material which offers more strength, outdoor weather resistance, higher temperature resistance, compared to the normal PLA.

So I had this additional stick on Ultra black fabric to absorb light and prevent any light reflecting off the lens cover

In case anyone is wondering why we are doing this … here is a quick view of what it does

Before :point_down: see the light spill on ceiling

After :point_down:

Hope that helps !!


Super good mod!

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Yes very good, light control. Don’t have unnecessary light spill all over the ceiling … good simple mod for LG Projector owners

Here is avatar on my LG, AU810PB, they look absolutely stunning on the LG… don’t need any lumagen or rmadvr… as far as I’m seeing with my own eyes, it got the job done :heavy_check_mark: for me…

Love the quality !


More pics taken from a distance

Very good image, sharp, colourful , lotsa detais


I have just recalibrated my projector with the new software, this time the images looks so much nicer. You can observe the white point is bang on correct with colour delta errors in hdr coming in at 0.3

Grayscale was good too… with a few tweaks to get the calibration to perfect

Finally set up the tone mapping curve to be uploaded to the PJ, now everything looks bang on accurate

Old hdr above :point_up_2:t2:

New hdr above :point_up_2:t2:

More images below

Old hdr above :point_up_2:t2:

New hdr above :point_up_2:t2:

Old hdr above :point_up_2:t2:

New hdr above

HDR game mode is the old calibration. So much more accurate now the hdr calibration with the new software

So tweaks on the black levels settings, and with the new aurora engine this looks so much nicer , so much more contrasty hdr look now with nicer blacks…

Beautiful… need to nail the calibration for the image to look correct…

Again there is no need for lumagen or madvr, you just need to get the calibration done correctly with the dynamic tone mapping curve available on the Lg projector