LG Display (TV/Projector) Owner Thread

As I mentioned before I had two Sony SXRD projectors before so I have a referenced opinion. The higher black levels of SXRD does give more 3-dimensionality to high contrast images even though DLP compensates a bit through more saturated colors.

However with dark movies like The Batman, the LG HU810 has one big advantage. A manual IRIS, which when you dial down to very small levels gives deep blacks and good shadow details in dark movies, rivaling the other technologies. I think Bryan has also noticed this. However when you dial the IRIS down to such dim levels, it makes very bright scenes dull. That’s where the machines with Auto IRIS work well by opening up when the movie gets brighter. With The Batman, it has no bright scenes. Everything is happening in the dark. Hence perfect for a DLP with a manual IRIS.

Fair point for the one movie - The Batman.

Hello all, I think I am going to join this LG owner family.
I just got a good deal from ebay fro the HU810PW.
Yes I know it’s a bit old model (and lot of negative comments in avsforum) but given many good result in this thread I would give it a try.

The projector will arrive in October, I hope to get some hints from the fellow owners here about how should that be setup. like factory mode to enable autocal and other settings etc…


Congratulations, but have you checked the throw distance? In an earlier thread you mentioned that your screen is 110" and you have 3m. Compared to your current Optoma 50, which has a wide angle zoom range of 1.31x, the LG is 1.6x. I think Alf mentioned in the thread that not many long throw projectors can get a 110" image from just 3m. Using the projector central calculator, you seem to need 3.17m.

Congrats! This is a very good vfm laser PJ

actually my screen is 106 and room had 3.6m
with the zoom it should be ok.

I found a very weird issue last night.
I have calibrated SDR fine, then I switch to do HDR. turns out the calman software has issue and hang.
The project was in ‘HDR Game’ mode, then screen is completely dark and not able to show anything.
I found that the calman somehow screwed up the Game mode setting, and I tried to ‘blind select’ the picture mode and reset it like closed my eye.

  • press picture mode once to swithc to other mode (standard)
  • go to all settings, remember the sequence how to reset the config
  • then change to ‘Game Mode’ (then i cannot see anything on the screen)
  • then press ‘go back’ (the menu should be back to picture setting)
  • then press down many many times (the menu should then go to ‘reset’)
  • the press ‘OK’, and ‘Right’, and ‘OK’
  • then the project reset the settings and I am able to see the screen again…

just to log it here in case others may have similar situation after calibration (or software issue), the screen goes completely blank …


  1. Pls elaborate CLEARLY what u mean by “u cannot see anything on the screen”? Are u expecting to see the Test/Calibration Pattern?

  2. For the TPG, are u using LG internal TPG to do this or external TPG? U need to indicate this clearly as it makes a difference to the calibration process.

  3. If the answer to QN2 is a “yes”, how and which device are u loading the LG video files via thumbdrive?

yup, just completely dark on screen. it’s like the projector didnt turn on.

I was using the LG internal TPG and calman for my first HDR calibration. Calman pop an error dialog but I didn’t capture it last time.
It’s saying application error and ask me to check logs.

Thanks. I see.

If u are using the LG internal TPG to calibrate HDR game mode, where did u plug in your usb stick that contains the LG video files to play the video files?

I didn’t use USB.
I use Nvidia player keep playing the HDR file from Kodi
The projector was showing in HDR mode correctly.

Ah i see. If it’s using nvidia kodi to play the LG video file, I’m not too sure how it’s supposed to work as intended as I’ve not tried it.

But what i do know is LG did indicate that for hdr game mode calibration, the usb drive with the video file needs to be plugged in the intended gaming/pc device (and not the display) and play the file using the gaming/ pc device.

Maybe other members here who have calibrated game mode with similar situation can help comment here.

I haven’t experienced the projector blanking out on calibration i.e. the remote still brings up LG menus on the screen

The first culprit, 99% of the time… could be your hdmi cable… I doubt it is the calman software issue nor the pattern generator … check the hdmi cable… make sure it is certified and works well

You can load the patterns vide usb stick directly to the Nvidia shield, that will work, no issues…

I’ve done the same calibration for both Xbox series X and Oppo 205, both of which had the patterns loaded on the respective devices vide usb. So that is not the issue for sure

Agreed w @ronildoq. U shld try using usb drive method on your nvidia device to see if issue can be duplicated.

If it does not work, it will at least eliminate one cause and u can isolate the cause further.

If it works, then all is well.

For sure it was the calman software issue.
Every Hardware the same and restarted my laptop and rerun the calman all working well this time.

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Great to hear that. :+1:

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Good job !! Awesome beautiful video! Enjoy!!

If you have Apple TV + subscription, go watch the documentary “Tiny”, 2 seasons.

Very nice video , you will love it

thanks for the suggestion

After a few weeks of calibrations with Pgenerator, LG’s generator and using MadVR, I thought I would throw up some comparisons on the same frame from near the beginning of the final episode of The Rings of Power. These iPhone shots are of course not ideal, but I think they will convey what I think

Dolby Vision file processed though Vertex2 and MadVR and output in SDR BT2020 on Pgen calibrated Expert Dark, Iris 3

To me, this is balanced and as perfect as I think it should be. The SDR calibration was very accurate with Greyscale dE under 1 and dE for colorspace around 1.

Dolby Vision file processed through Vertex 2 with DV string at 4,000 nits. Pgen calibrated HDR Cinema mode, Iris 5, DTM On

This is quite good and overall its pretty good HDR dynamic tone mapping by LG. I find this more saturated than the MadVR version, but it is oversaturated and more inaccurate color wise. With Pgen, I can verify Calman’s HDR calibration and it is definitely worse than the SDR calibration, which IMHO, leads to the over saturation and mildly inaccurate colors.

Uncalibrated HDR Filmmaker mode on the LG at Iris of 5

I find this a bit darker overall with less shadow detail and less colorful despite being LG’s supposedly most accurate mode. Definitely shows that the LG should be calibrated as the out of the box modes are not accurate.

HDR Game mode Calman calibrated according to Bryan’s instructions last year at an Iris of 8 with the built in LG Pattern Generator.

I find this a significant improvement over the uncalibrated LG Filmmaker mode, but overall I prefer the MadVR processed SDR BT2020 image in Expert Dark, as well as the HDR Cinema mode Pgenerator calibration.

One clear advantage I see in using HDR tone mapped to SDR BT2020 is the ability to utilize more accurate calibrations than can be done in HDR mode because we can perform a thorough 17pt 3D LUT calibration that is very accurate. The HDR calibration is limited to a quick Matrix LUT and is quite OK, but clearly not as accurate when doing a Pre/Post using PGenerator. It wasn’t clear to me before Pgenerator, because the internal LG pattern generator cannot do a Pre/Post.

The other thing I have found is that the black floor seems to be lowest in SDR Expert Dark mode, especially with an Iris setting of 3, that I tested to also give me the best greyscale in Calman. Because of the relatively bright picture at a low Iris of 3, you get better blacks and overall the most contrast. When I compare in a very dark room in the dead of night, all the other modes seem to have a light haze over the picture compared to SDR Expert Dark.

Other’s results may be different, but after a few weeks of calibrating and testing, I think I have managed to squeeze everything I can out of the HU810 and the results are very satisfying to me.

I’ve been thinking for years of buying a JVC at many times the price, but what I will definitely lose with all but the brightest JVCs’ is the HU810’s superb bright Standard mode that makes this projector look like a giant TV when you don’t have 100% light control during daytime. There is no doubt that a JVC would produce better blacks and greater dimensionality for movies, but mine is not a strict movie projector in a batcave and I enjoy watching regular TV too. The HU810 excels as a big TV with ambient light. So no upgrades for awhile until a 3,000+ nit laser JVC become much cheaper.