LG Display (TV/Projector) Owner Thread


At least you have tried and established your preference which is important. If it looks good to you, stick to it and enjoy all the movies.

Most important thing is you like the quality from the PJ.

If I don’t miss my OLED and don’t need to constantly fiddle with HDR brightness then am happy :smiley:

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You don’t miss the OLED black levels? That’s a bold statement. :joy:

Am actually surprised how black the HU810 is. But you have to reduce the Iris to 0 or 1. This is useful when I am watching at night in total darkness and it is a dark movie. Then its very black and there is lots of shadow detail. Not as vibrant as the OLED, but don’t miss it.

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Wow that is really great testimony for this LG PJ. Impressed.

Same same as Sammy… I too don’t miss the OLED tv at all… black levels are good…

I’m actually quite surprised this PJ didn’t make it for the PJ shootout…

What I know is there are not many distributors… surprisingly LG sells mostly direct… so I suppose no point promoting pj like this that don’t really benefit the distributors or resellers… even if there are , margin is way way lower on these pj…

Most OLEDs, especially older LG, also suffer from “black crush” which obliterates shadow details. Panasonic’s 2018 OLED was the first where you could see shadow details in very dark areas. The created a custom panel on top of LG’s panel (which they use) to fix it.


And that is why they have the calman “shadow details control” calibration on the LG

Not easy to calibrate this shadow detail thing without having raised blacks. This is potentially the most tricky out of all the steps… :persevere: I’m still trying to master this step for my LG C1. And portrait displays does not really tell u how to do so using the shadow patterns. A lot of online calibrators faced challenges for this step.

This afternoon I spent some time with the Spears and Munsil (S&M) disc and the LG HU810 comparing:

  1. LLDV with DV string at 1,000 nits and DTM on
  2. LLDV with DV string at 100 nits and DTM off
  3. SDR BT2020 (an option on the S&M menu)

It’s quite clear to me that LLDV 100 nits/DTMoff is quite similar to SDR BT2020 whereas LLDV 1000 nits/DTM loses shadow detail. This is obvious in many dark scenes on the S&M disc. The ultra bright horse scene at SDR BT2020 is quite similar to LLDV 100 nits/DTMoff. The LLDV 1000 nits/DTM horse scene is darker and although there is more contrast in the bright background, the tone is completely different from SDR BT2020 with grayish snow.

I get that this is a preference thing and I’m about to watch The Batman tonight in Dolby Vision. I heard its very dark, so I’m definitely going to watch it with DTM off with the IRIS at 1 or 2

Scene from about the 3rd minute of The Batman

Here is the same scene off my OLED

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Setting the IRIS at 1 on the LG HU810, makes it look more like the OLED, but with less detail

Indeed, it’s a very challenging scene in this movie. It will accentuate the weaknesses of a projector. I believe JVC owner will have better luck and experience in this scene.

One question, the colors doesn’t look right when compared to the OLED TV.

I think the colors are off due to the light levels and the iPhone’s camera. When shooting at such dim levels off a projector screen, there is a lot poorer color fidelity and noise from the iPhone’s photo sensor compared to an OLED’s light output. Perhaps if I had a full frame camera at a fixed aperture, colors might look more alike.

No worries. I can fully understand because I have been trying to tell people that using mobile phone to shoot an image on a big canvas with limited lighting condition (low nits projector to begin with) is extremely challenging. The only way you can do justice is to shoot the image using a good camera system with full control over the Exposure Triangle (shuttle speed, aperture and iso) else it is garbage in garbage out.

I’m done shooting images for comparison using mobile phone camera even if it is good for shooting outdoor scene. When it comes capturing images off the screen. It’s not easy.

I normally move the brightness slider around until I match the screen with phone before hitting the shutter on iPhone. But color fidelity is something else. A full frame sensor camera captures more light than an iPhone sensor, to produce the least noise and best color.

Like I say, taking images from projector is a challenge. Don’t sweat over it.

Just finished watching The Batman (2022) over two nights because it is so long and there is no point watching it during the day because it is so dim. Definitely one of these acquired taste movies, but I liked it overall. Definitely, an old school Batman with old school toys from the comics of the 60s & 70s.

For LG AU/HU810 owners, if you don’t watch this movie with DTM off, I think you will miss seeing half the movie as the picture is so dim. However, with DTM off, IRIS at 1 and the inky blackness of night, you can see everything and its beautiful. Haha. Doubt SXRD or DILA can render it much better :wink:

I wouldn’t make such haste and bold comment…I’m pretty sure JVC is able to hold its own pretty well. DLP tech has its limitation when it comes to black levels. The LG HU810 is one exceptional DLP projector with good blacks and decerning shadow details in its class.