LG Display (TV/Projector) Owner Thread

Passing on the hdr colorimeter to our member now for calibration of his new TV.

So I finalised the Xbox SDR calibration today,

Pretty satisfied overall

Grayscale calibration is pretty good

Colours post calibration 3D lut fixed grid 9


Both SDR calibration is superb with gamma 2.4 on the Xbox series X

Here is the pic before calibration , out of the box settings filmmaker mode , supposedly most accurate pic

Here is calibrated version

Now , u won’t know what is missing until you A B the pictures

See other pics that followed

Filmmaker mode :point_up_2:t2:

Calibrated expert mode :point_up_2:t2:

So there you go, why calibration is very important, it’s impossible to eyeball for calibration . The calibration results won’t lie, once it hits the spot, the quality will be there…

Bro foodie, enjoy your journey next with the Sony calman autocal, damn good!!

No horse Run… beautiful…

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Re-watching this, angry birds 2, very solid hdr and dtsX…. Syok

See the white :point_up_2:t2: Syok!

The red … :point_up_2:t2:

The Green…… :point_up_2:t2:

The purple :point_up_2:t2:

The pink :point_up_2:t2:

The yellow :point_up_2:t2:

The blue and skies :point_up_2:t2:

The black feathers :point_up_2:t2:

Everything looks so good, 12 bit LLDV player led… first class watching it in person

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Tonight I’ll have the time to test and compare , King Kong vs Godzilla movie

3 different types,

  1. HDR10 version

  2. Player-Led LLDV ( since file comes with FEL DV)

  3. Tekno3d HDR-X.

This is going to be interesting , the dolby signal is already pretty impressive , can’t wait to check out HDR-x version

This time I can truly test the quality, since the projector has been calibrated for HDR… stay tuned on this 1… I’m also curious to find out how good and how much difference we will see

Pic 1 :point_up_2:t2:

Pic 2 :point_up_2:t2:

Pic 3 :point_up_2:t2:

Added one more version, Pic 4 above

Same scene, I took a few different scenes as well. The pic is from HP, so pardon the quality. Watching it in person, it is easier to tell.

One of it is Dolby vision using player led LLDV, one HDR10, one of it is Tekno3d.

Here is the signal info

2 of it Carries the same signal, HDR10 4:4:4,12 bit ,4k 23.97fps

The other one uses LLDV algorithm, vide the hd fury to spoof the player into thinking the PJ is dolby capable, in the procees applying the dolby signal processing for native Dolby content

And here is one I took, for dolby signal , planet earth something, remux in .Ts container, but it’s FEL DV file, superb !! Absolutely love the video

Looks like the Oppo 205 can play remux dolby vision ! Solid la , dolby rulezzzzzzz

Same sequence 1,2,3 one of it is HDR, Another player led LLDV, another is Tekno3d

Updated one more version below

From the above … here is the answer

  1. Native Dolby vision with LLDV player led

  2. Tekno3d LLDV player led

  3. HDR10

  4. recent :point_up: is Tekno3d non LLDV

The pics from hp, compressed and uploaded, is not really as accurate watching it in person

But all pics above are using the same light and condition, just different source

You will notice the specular highlights on the ship is brighter with pic 2 & 4. Somehow the tone mapping done by tekno guys has some higher luminance in red. This is pretty obvious when u zoom in to kingKong’s gums above when he yawns. Another transfer that seems to have this slight red push is guardians of the galaxy

The Dolby vision native ones are very very good in my opinion. All the way good for all the scenes

But if u look at other scenes in tekno file

U can see above their faces are reddish, almost as if giving u the feeling that it’s extremely cold :cold_face:. They don’t look over saturated on this scene

For this Kong Godzilla , I prefer the Native Dolby Vision file, that was the best to my eyes

However for other movies like aquaman, that version of transfer by tekno is the best

Also noticed that the transfers from tekno has less grainy effects, they look very clean

HDR10 is last in almost every scene

Native dolby is very very good, when u can apply the player led LLDV algorithm

Following up on this thread subject here, mine just arrived today

Now the speeds are good

Close to 600mbps

A second run on the Lg shows close to 800mbps

Before wired

Wireless is pathetic

Same tv, same app to test, same line… only different method of connection…

Last night had the chance to watch Thor Ragnarok on bluray Tekno3d vs the Disney + version of DV IMAX enhanced… gotta say I don’t find much gap between the two, except I prefer the bigger imax aspect ratio on Disney +… sound quality still can’t beat original bluray but it’s not that bad from Disney + either

Why didn’t Disney release the full imax for all the blurays ?? Hmmmmm

Still prefer the imax aspect ratio to cinema scope 2:39

But I love the pics on the Lg laser Pj, they give u that immersion and cinema feel

Surtur scene, damn awesome fiery :fire:

Dark scenes are good, preserving shadow details, very enjoyable…

That gold, armour and skin tone, is superb, beautiful and natural for hdr , so much depth , even the motorcycle… didn’t know they have motorcycles there in Asgard !!

Thor looks great ! So much details I can see the veins and his muscles clearly and Odin

Hela looks fantastic in dark green with Loki having different shades of green

Didn’t realise hulk had tattoos on him !! Lol

I watched this in cinema and never had the chance to re watch it on bluray, so much details , including the junkyard scene, colours are beautiful….

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If u happen to visit South Korea for holidays and have plans for PJ upgrade, look no further….

Size matters!

Highly recommended , u won’t regret the quality from this Laser PJ after calibrating it with a decent hdr meter using the built in calman software

This PJ is worth every penny !

If they launch a new 8k model, I will definitely upgrade to the new model…

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LOL…LG should really pay you to be their brand ambassador. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If I’m working in this line, or as a dealer I wouldn’t mind… good quality product

What a pity no one selling this in Singapore …

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Maybe Alf want to bring in?

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Definitely good if Alf brings in :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Support !

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Actually if Alf can bring in, it will be great because there are already 2 prolific members here using this LG laser projector. Alf can take advantage of good word of mouth and support base here without fearing the unknown. I support that.

It’s actually 3 now, bro NGSK also ditched the OLED TV for this now…. And he says he has no regrets getting this , it’s like a giant OLED tv for him…

Once they start using this, they will realise the benefits

Maybe it’s difficult in Singapore, most people prefer TV for the convenience and nowadays u have that 86” tv from prism under $3k, so it’s like TV prices are coming off too

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Quite true…the market is now slowly dominated by UST which can cast an image of up to 120" in the living room for less than $5K (inclusive of ALR screen installation). This is the category of projection that is hard to beat…BUT what dealer need to impress upon is the importance of colour accuracy for 4K images to get that true to life images and that Director’s intent marketing jargon…this is something that current UST projectors are not able to provide. Use that as the leverage to push this LG laser projector if I am the dealer. Great price with top-notch professional calibration tool built-in, an all-in-one solution. That’s how I will market the product. The key is to drive home the pros of a projector’s scalability and accurate colour rendition.

BTW is this LG laser projector a mid-throw or short throw? If short-throw, easier to sell since most Singaporeans have a smaller living room or even smaller bedroom these days.

Ha, I was just going through with bro NGSK on WhatsApp the other day

In case anyone wants to know …

Yea I concur with you desray, the best part for this is the hdr calibration, it’s very good hdr post Calibration

Black panther scenes also look fantastic …

Dynamic tone mapping built in as a feature on the PJ is very good as well


Alf or any dealer watching this thread, can consider touching base with LG to bring in limited qty of this projector to test market (if want to be cautious since this is a pandemic)…but because of pandemic, comes the opportunity where consumers more willing to pay a premium price for good home entertainment system. If 100" OLED or microLED TV is beyond average Joe and UST projector PQ left much to be desired…this LG projector is the best alternative.

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Yes decided to join PJ club as larger size OLED price still @ high side although the prices did drop quite a lot compared to 2~3yrs back.
As always thanks for help on getting the screen online n the initial setup on this PJ. Still need your help on calibration to bring the best out of it.
My only “complaint” is the black levels which isn’t fair to compare against the OLED as OLED can switch off individual pixel,other than that it’s basically a 100" OLED.
Nothing much to share @ the moment,need to cut off most of the reflection in the room to improve the contrast which is in progress.


Don’t worry bro, I’ll always be there to help you, u can count on me….

Yes we have some work to bring out the best in that set up…. Still WIP… hopefully covid19 situation improves

Those divini reference speakers are awesome, using it as a phantom centre channel, all the vocals and action sequence will track the on screen action nicely…

YouTube music video using the native built in app, vide the eARC from the Pj to the Oppo 205, u will be having a big big smile on your face

Channel news Asia playback from Oppo 205 vide the sabre DAC 9038 pro, u will be one happy man. I’m very sure u have never experienced such good audio quality from YouTube and channel news Asia before, u will be plesantly surprised some of these YouTube music videos actually sound damn good , it’s quite immersive especially when u can watch the action and listen at the same time

Enjoy man! U have plenty of light output with that 1.1 screen gain 2700 lumens laser, so there is a lot of headroom . If we can get the surroundings to ultra black with good light absorption, this is gonna be one helluva set up once we finish the calibration on hdr