Disney Plus coming to Singapore in Feb 21

Yes the quality is as good as a good bluray transfer. I’m quite surprised :open_mouth: as I didn’t expect 4K streaming with HDR and Dolby Atmos (only DD+ at 768kbps) can stream smoothly and even scene jumping posed no issue as well.

And yes, the collection won’t be there forever especially those from Fox. The marquee movies like the MCU collection will probably be there till the service shut down. Let’s see how long a movie will be uploaded to Disney Plus after the theatrical release, assuming pandemic is over and Disney Plus is here to stay. If the turnaround is less than 2 mths like what Paramount going to do for Tom Cruise MI:8 which will be released on a streaming platform 45 days after the theatrical screening. Could this set a trend? This may mark the end of cinema or herald a new opportunity?

I don’t think cinemas will be completely gone. People would still go to the cinema for the experience, dating or killing time especially in countries with limited activities to do like our small island.

The business has been declining for years. Owners are always looking to cut cost and add values. The cinemas are getting smaller and smaller, automated ticketing system with lesser staff, adding dining services etc.

It is astounding that the movie quality for Disney+ is so good. Quite comparable with Apple TV+ (but limited content). For me, it is a keeper unless, in the future, the streaming bitrate gets downgraded like Netflix or lack of new content. Even the 1977 Star Wars - A New Hope looks and sounds delicious.

P.S I understand Disney + is still not available in many countries. Leaning on a more selfish side, I am happy as when there are more subscribers, something will need to give; either price hike, higher latency etc.

Yup. I can’t agreed with you more on this. This is what happen to Netflix. Recall the time when we only paying the same rate as Disney Plus now. But look at Netflix pricing now. It’s shot up to $20/mth. So I wouldn’t be surprised Disney Plus will eventually walk this path. Enjoy now, worry later I guess.

Yea , will be a matter of time before we see a price hike, the business model now is to take $1 from 1 billion customers…

Subscription based is the way forward

Video I absolutely stunning on Disney +

It doesn’t, only 60fps

Thanks for the check

I think eventually this business model isn’t going to be attractive for the shareholders

  1. Unlike in the past, we don’t have any options for blockbuster movies other than heading to the cinema. Programmes from free to air is not the same as the blockbuster movies. Now we have tons of options.

  2. Prices are not the same. Unlike in the past, cinema ticket prices have gone up significantly over the years. 1 movie person is like $13? For 2 hours ? Disney is like $2.5 if u can share with 4, for a month !!

  3. Comfort at your home. If you get some tall guy sitting in front of u, that’s it. Your kids can’t watch, someone tall blocking, Maybe u yourself can’t see. Then if u come across those where u have to tilt your head upwards to watch, you get neck pain !

  4. Distractions . Sometimes if unlucky, you get inconsiderate people in the cinema talking over the phone etc whilst the movie is playing

  5. Showtimes. Sometimes u don’t get to choose what time you wanna watch it, unlike Disney, I can watch it at the middle of the night or wee hours. With cinemas, I have to follow specific time and hours.

  6. Getting there. Getting there in time, parking, transport, if midnight shows , can be costly to grab home for those who don’t drive

  7. The show remains for quite a period, unlike cinema, u will have to catch it within the two week period or so. Else the week after you will miss the boat

  8. U can eat anything u want at the comfort of your home. Unlike the cinemas where u can only bring in food bought from the counter

  9. Advertisement. Unlike Disney, there are tons of advertisements in the cinema before the show starts . This can run up to 1/2 hour, heloooo… I’m Paying to watch the movie, not the advertisements

  10. Smelly feet. If u r unlucky and sit in front of someone who has a smelly feet, your movie experience will deteriorate. Half the time u can’t stand the smell

One might argue, with cinemas, u can pak tor pak tor hanky panky with gf inside… lol … well if u have your own home, u can pak tor pak tor at home also. These pak tor will relate mostly to students etc

Will it appeal to the shareholders to retain this business model ? If I’m a shareholder, I’ll sell my shares…

My 2 cents

There are some “intangibles” that cannot be replaced even if we have our own Home Theatre…it is the “mass effect” when watching a blockbuster movie. And also not to forget…it also give us the excuse to go shopping mall to “makan-then-watch-a-movie”…which is our fave past times.


Yes, agree with Desray. Also, you can see cinemas goers are majority teens and young adults. Most of them are still staying with their parents and privacy is a key factor to them.

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Many would be able to enjoy the large screen and big sound that you can get from a good cinema.

And many would not want to invest thousands of $$ on a decent HT system.
Of course, some can get a budget soundbar/sub for a few hundred $$ but it’s not really the same.

And pak tor at home with siblings and parents around - uh… lol… :innocent:


Lol… :joy: hopefully this industry survives…from how I look at it, it will be pretty difficult to convince the shareholders

The operators and owners will keep finding ways to reduce cost and be as sustainable as possible. Cinemas will still be popular in SG due to limited weekend hangouts. Also, most of our homes are limited in size so having proper HT can be quite a big ask.



My favourite animation in the 1990s… Perfrct for me to share with the kids, we have lotsa quality cartoons those days

Very nice all 5 seasons on Disney + !

Brilliant legacy stuff

Last week we finished 3 animation, wreck it ralf duology, inside out

The kids go on saying: wow we love Disney+ , so many nice cartoons and animation

Damn stressful working there as part of the sales team, I can imagine. may lose job anytime . I always tell my colleagues, busy is a good sign. Don’t complain so much, because u have work and have an income. The moment u have nothing to do, Eng Eng Cheng Cheng… then u had better start worrying

With the shareholders, they are not interested with cutting cost, what matters, is how the business grows. Not shrinks to the extend u need to keep cutting cost to Sustain the business model. It is not attractive for them or anyone for that matter if the business model thrives by cutting cost, instead of generating sales

Imagine if u had the extra cash, would u invest in a cinema ??

Plus u will now have social distancing within the seats ? 1 fella keep sneezing in the cinema, very high risk etc etc just too many factors

From how I look at it, with all these streaming platforms now readily available to the consumers… it’s gonna be very very difficult for cinemas … one man’s meat :meat_on_bone: is another man’s bone :bone:

Something has to give, in my view, cinema business is no longer viable under the current climate, this covid19 situation is not likely to end until end 2022

Thank god we have Govt support and subsidies etc, but that’s only temporary … it’s only a matter of time

Wahhh, Disney’s Raya is not free !!

$40!!! With a Disney subscription

Pirated copies are already made available for DL elsewhere

But this look really good

Video, soundtrack, storyline looks promising … doestnt look like dolby atmouse this one from the BEQ files

Of course lar…how can it be free? LoL.

$40 bucks is a lot just to stream one title. Not worth. I thought maybe even if it’s not free it will be like $10 premium to stream maximum. $40 is a lot for digital streaming . It’s probably better to wait and get the physical disc at that price

It will be free from 4th June.

3 months later…:grinning:

Not bad, I don’t mind waiting 3 months for it :+1:t2: