All Lyngdorf Related

Still keeping the MP50. But I’ll swap it out for the AVM90, test and if all good , Ill sell the mp50 and if it’s the reverse, I’ll just need to revert to original mp50 plugging all the cables back….

Still not sure how good the AVM90…

Ahhh still there ! I didn’t update. Left it as it is…

Bryan, what is at the damage $$$ on the AVM90? can PM me if you prefer :sweat_smile:

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Ya we got it at special price, early bird pricing, pack of 6 units together. Was told to keep prices confidential due special one time offer on bulk purchase plus pre launch price

Now seems like list price is $10.5k !

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Yes…its gone up. You and the other 5 bros are very very lucky! :slight_smile:

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Ya man, fast hand fast leg… sealed the deal… very good pricing

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when will your 90 arrive bro?

Asked him the same question. He’s still waiting patiently. Should be getting soon. Lead time usually around 1.5mths based on my experience. The larger qty should have higher weightage to send the units over here sooner rather than later. So I expect anytime soon.

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ya, saw that in Anthem thread, can’t wait to know how 90 compared to MP50…

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Me too, waiting for the AVM 90. Will be doing the comparison between AVM90 and MP 50.
Same as Bro Ronildoq.


Very happy and excited … I renewed my LYNGDORF MP-40.
I would love to get tips on how to calibrate and configure the processor.
Thanks for answering

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Paging for @Ronildoq and @djblackfm beep beep

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if you have 4 subs, use the Auxiliary option, that option will assign left subs to left speakers, right subs to right speaker, both left right subs to centre speakers, surrounds and back left to back left subs and so on… that is on re-directed bass… on LFE signal, all 4 subs get the same signal at the same time

It creates something called psychoacoustic bass steering…most of us are using it this way, its one of the unique features on lyngdorf, and blending of the subs and mains are superior.

One caveat, you will need to know the relative distance, to do that, you need to use acoustic timing reference with REW to find the actual acoustical delay that caters for amplifier latency as well.

all the best, fantastic piece of gear, congrats!


I seem to have a problem and I can not figure out what the problem is.
After the first calibration I did I notice that I need to amplify to extremely high intensities in order to hear anything.
My system is:
The dialogue is very weak and almost inaudible and all the general sound means very dull and lacks power and dynamism.
Can’t figure out what’s causing it.
Apparently I changed some setting by mistake and have no idea what I changed

Hopefully, Roni can help you with the Lyngdorf calibration to get the sound right for ya. :slight_smile:

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Hello @moshe

You started using the voicing? :thinking:

May I confirm that you only have a single subwoofer (PB-16)?

for movies i use the netural voicing.
yes…i have a single svs pb-16 subwoofer.

You connected via LFE XLR?

Try action movies.

yes sir.

Use the voicing of action movies.