Hi desray, I tried logging in from office PC during lunch time, but I get the error that says certificate error on this website. Then it gets blocked . Is there some error ?
Or maybe my office security is too stringent
Hi desray, I tried logging in from office PC during lunch time, but I get the error that says certificate error on this website. Then it gets blocked . Is there some error ?
Or maybe my office security is too stringent
The SSL certificate looks valid - although it’s going to expire in about 10 days time.
Try refreshing or hard refresh (ctrl-F5).
probably a self signed or issued SSL cert
What URL did you type? Make sure you typed, https://avdisco.com.
No. Not 10 days. It will expire in about 70 days. After which, it will be renewed.
The issuer of the SSL cert is Let’s Encrypt. About Let's Encrypt - Let's Encrypt
Ok I’ll try again when back to office. I’ll put in the s, see if I get any more errors.
I did a search Av disco and clicked that link on Google… then I get that message
I don’t have such issues accessing it from home PC.
Could this be because of some firewall or web filtering for new websites ? As in the site is just newly set up, hence flagged up as risky ? Is there such a setting on the firewall or web filtering devices ?
Not really.
Font family changed to Google Roboto
Much better.
Hi, I’m new here and trying to find button to send person message. Can any good soul guide me? I tried to click on the avatar but there is no button for me to send message except badges
Thanks for letting me know that the issue has been resolved.
It’s been almost 1.5yrs since the official launch of this fourm. How is everyone user experience so far? Any issue login, unable to post etc?
seems ok each time I swing by…no issues of late topic font still a bit out of place but otherwise all good
Can give some description what do u mean by “out of place”? Font too small or prefer other font type? If you have one in mind., let me know…
font type…just looks out of sync with the rest of the fonts…Feedback? Post here font in this pic
and this font in the footer
Ok thanks. I’ll see what I can do to make it more uniform.
New feature added: 30 Apr 22