Here’s a quick run down for JVC in CEDIA 2023. As usual, the German chap from Hollywoodzuhause always has the latest coverage on major brands like JVC and Sony.
I don’t speak German so I used Google Translate for the sypnosis. Here’s the short and concise version of what’s covered in his video.
“There are NO new projectors to be announced by JVC at CEDIA23, but the Japanese manufacturer is focusing on improving its home cinema projector line-up: JVC is announcing a new firmware for November with further improved Frame Adapt HDR, as well as a few more brings small improvements and will be available free of charge for all models in the current line-up (NP5, NZ7, NZ8 and NZ9). By the way: the previous generation (N5) has a different chip architecture and is therefore not able to be upgraded with the new firmware.”
Here’s from one of the JVC fans talking about what to expect from the new firmware in Nov. Something to look forward to. I will do a comparison to pit against the Lumagen Radiance Pro when the time comes…
Prepare for a new firmware coming soon this Nov. Meanwhile, watch this stream to see what’s in store for the customers.
Looking at the specs…just an incremental upgrade from the previous generation with more lumens and boosted native CR. I will skip the new model if one already has the NZ7/8/9.
Agree. I think those maybe with NZ7 can upgrade with the NZ8 or 9.
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Yes…provided there are stock. Upgrading from NZ7 to NZ8 has more value. NZ9, unless the price slash by 50%, it is STILL not worth it imo.
This video intro on the new NZ800 and NZ900 further confirm that the upgrade is merely incremental. There is no NZ700 to replace the NZ7. Don’t waste your money on this new model with almost neglible difference between the new and the existing model. If you are able to get a good price for NZ8 or NZ9, quickly grab it as it is a “no-brainer”.
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What caught my attention are the following new features.
- New optical engine
New hardware re design.
- 35% reduction in size
- Air intake vent now changed to the back. This is good and bad. Good as it reduces the incidence of hot air venting that sometimes caused a mirage effect to the image projected while bad is the rear will now need more space to blow out hot air. This is a very subjective move. Not necessary a good one imo
Nothing new when it comes to resolution. It is still using a native 4K panel at its core.
The new NZ500/NZ700 models.