HDfury Vertex2 related

Thanks for the quick reply. I will try them tonight.

No problem, enjoy your HD fury !

By the way, black Adam video is fantastic, enjoy!

I tried all the settings you showed. I’ll leave it at 1000. I also tried 4000 but cannot tell the difference. Skin tone looks great. Very punch image on a small screen :+1:t6: thanks for your help.

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That’s because the source 4k UHD you have played, Black Adam, Dolby vision FEL file is mastered with a 1000nits monitor With REC2020 primaries . So 4000 nits setting here has no impact

1000nits for Black Adam wow! Can the Sony XW5000es meet the threshold or start to see any difference if say Black Adam peak brightness, peak white was 10000nits? Black Adam some scenes the brightness hurt my eyes and I blink many times. I saw the displaycalibrations.com release details for Blade Runner 2049 USA Warner Brothers state max 10,000nits and UK version 4000nits, it should have hurt my eyes with such peak brightness, but the streaming version I don’t recall the movie hurting my eye. But, then later saw on YouTube Vincent Theo tear down on the UK Blade Runner 2049 disc as fake HDR. Like that hard to tell which version to buy if web info say one thing and objective test show otherwise.

I have the same problem when it comes to Star Wars movies, wow the light sabre scenes are really bright, I struggle to cope and get eye fatigue, especially on the OLED TV with HDR10

LLDV/ Dolby vision is a lot better, less fatiguing. Luminance levels are much better with DV less eye fatigue

All these light sabre spinning, eye pain… I can’t cope…

Hi Ronildoq,
Newbie question! Can the SOURCE: AppleTV4K In TXO ever show: 4K23.973 444 BT2020 12b LLDV and VIDEO TX0: 4K23.973 444 BT2020 12b HDR? I only see 422 never seen 444. Seen 444 in like Rec709.

My EDID TX0 shows Sony Projector xx: 4K60 444 HDR BT2020

In AppleTV4K I put Format = 4K SDR 60hz, Chroma = 444, Match Dynamic Range = On, Match Frame Rate = On, but then when I watch streaming in 4k Vrroom always show 422 BT2020 12b LLDV

Just want to make sure I’m doing things right with the vrroom in the chain. Thanks.

Oh I can’t recall exactly what shows up with ATV4K , I’m no longer connecting the HD fury and using ATV4K that way now….

I do recall using chroma 4:4:4 RGB and LLDV shows up as 8bit, it could be in one of the post

If I remember correctly it’s yCbCr 4:2:2 12bit LLDV or RGB 4:4:4: 8bit LLDV

Maybe someone using ATV4K with hd fury can share?

Think it has to be yCbCr 4:2:2 12 bit because 4:4:4 12 bit would exceed the 18Gbps spec of HDMI 2.0a. So either 4K/60 4:2:2 12 bit or 4K/60 4:4:4 8 bit would fully max out the 18Gbps spec.

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Oh yea, that makes perfect sense now… so gotta sacrifice either one, 12bit LLDV or 444 chroma

Ok got it on the 18gbps limitation. Thanks much!

Hope this helps…


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Ya that’s a useful chart

Can also try this, input the numbers to check the bandwidth, I normally use this website

Example :point_up_2:t2: