Thx for this. Looks like the JVC NP5 is one of the most VFM projector? Some of its scores was comparable/better than the PJs in the mid-price range category.
Yes. If you have a batcave, then this is the one to get. However, its not particularly cheap at USD7K. Although the LG scores lower, they used the system integrators version, the AU810, whereas I have the HU810 which is identical except for some minor differences. The NP5 is 400% more than what I paid for an open box unit.
The NP5 is also a bulb unit that is not particularly bright at 1900 lumens, whereas the Epson and LG are laser units. But if you get a JVC, you are probably paying for the deeper blacks and will have a batcave so you don’t need a lot of lumens. The NP5 is not suitable for an ambient light situation such as a living room and therefore, not for me. If I were to get a JVC, I would have to get the bright laser ones and they cost as much as a car without COE and ARF.