Poh Kim BTGOF - buy two get one free

Poh Kim has an ongoing offer - you buy two discs and the next one is free or which ever is the lower priced one…
It’s been on for a while, but I found some new movies and a couple of catalogue discs too, including Shaolin Temple by Jet Li

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Be very careful what you buy there. Recently my friend bought Twilight of the Warriors there and the disc is basically a burned disc and the print out of the cover is not sharp at all. Very unethical

Thanks for the tip bro, that’s a shocker…
I bought it to find out what’s this show like…
I enjoy the Roundup series, and that kind of low cerebral action movie has been my mainstay for watching in small installments haha
On the other hand, Slow Horses is my go to for more slow burn and deliberate critical watching… but I can only take small doses of those

Sakamoto Days is more middle of the road for me and Inspector Galileo’s return to Netflix was a nice addition with that Sherlock kind of twist.

Did you friend go back to the shop to confront the sales assistant about this unethical way of doing business?

well… we see unethical, they do it legit-ly, with the acquisition of copyright.
small market Singapore don’t get mass pressed discs from home media studios any more. so, as the one and only monopoly media seller in the market, PohKim aquires copy rights to produce small volume of discs for local market distribution. almost 99.8% of DVDs are done so, as well as 99% of BDs. i shared in the Godzilla thread sometime ago and questioned how does PohKim got their English+Mandarin subtitled version, if it triggers ur interest, go read up on that.

PohKim does have some imports and foreign prints in small quantities, it it depends how well you can identify to get “the right stuff”!
my last BD hoot was the CIVIL WAR BD+DVD transitional pack that is U.S. pressed and region locked to “A”… for a discounted price down to $36 after factoring the discount.

i would spend almost an hour every time in PohKim where i patronize… just to study what am i looking, and how “not copy” the discs i’m interested to get.

So it’s considered legit? I wonder how long does such a copy last…

no experience with their BDs, DVDs wise… so far no issues with their DVDR-DLs, oldest in my acquisition, Elvis and Oppenheimer.
due to the high price of their BDs, i would look for foreign pressed ones from US or UK. i would be ordering All Quite on Western Front with them, if they’re able to secure the BD+UHD transitional pack…

My friend didn’t bother but I doubt he will buy from them again

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FYI, the Twilight of the Warriors is only DTS-MA on BR, and it’s $4.99 on iTunes USA, so I might bite twice.
I can’t say the story was original, but I like these camaraderie and brotherly justice stuff, reminds me of an old show called “The Mission” from Johnnie To…
Ambient surrounds even with DTS-MA was quite good.

few days ago, i collected 2 BDs and the Alien Romulus DVD from a branch i patronize frequent.
both BDs are UK release that needs to be transferred from other branches, while the DVD is DVDR burn copy base on region1 release… which doesn’t suffer any poor copy quality, though the DVD coverart may indicate to have European dubbed tracks and subtitles, as well as PAL color format as well as time speedup…