Thanks for bro @Ronildoq for letting me to use this thread for MO of this Vrroom.
I think majority of us are no stranger to this Vrroom unit. It takes on the function of the predecessor Vertex 2, with addition function of variable refresh rate, supports 8K and some other new functions…
As we (Ovation United) are authorised Disti of HDfury products here in SG, I am opening MO for this fabulous product at MO price of SGD695 inclusive of GST.
Once the MO closes, the retail price will be SGD820 inclusive of GST
Comes Jan 2022, the price may increase again to SGD899 inclusive of GST
The MO will be closing this Monday 20 Dec 2359 and order will be placed on the same week, hopefully the Vrroom will arrive before Christmas 
A total of 10 units will be reserve for this MO only. The price will be adjusted back to SGD820 after these 10 units strictly or MO closes.
Instructions as follows if you are interested.
a) Indicate your interest below
- wizardofoz (deposit received)
- NGSK(deposit received)
- WIM (deposit received)
- Ronildoq (deposit received)
- Cls (deposit received)
- PAT (deposite received)
b) Please do a paynow/paylah transfer of 50% deposit (SGD347.5) to 96872905
c) Indicate HDFVROM in your ref before submitting the transfer
d) WhatsApp me your details using below format
AVdisco nick:
e) I will inform for collection once unit arrives
f) Official E invoice for warranty will be send to your email address within 2 weeks after getting your unit.
*1 to 1 exchange (no physical damage) to the unit if there is any manufacture fault
*MO will still go ahead if there are less than 10 confirmation.
*Price will be revert back to MSRP after MO closes regardless of confirmation
Thanks @Ronildoq bro once again for using this thread
. Much appreciated!