ALIEN: ROMULUS -the parallel universe of ALIEN invasion, after the initial ALIEN event

…that was revealed in 1979, splitting different fates that’s not related to RIPLEY…

…but creating another “RIPLEY” character.

here’s the 1st TEASER!

the final trailers…

…and posters. we’re probably getting…

…to see it a day or 12hrs earlier compare to folks in the American and European continent.

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some press had received 210sec clip promotional VHS tape for press media preview…

Clearly I can sense the vibe from the first Alien film. Love it.

+1. Looking fwd to this sequel too!

not only the promotional material is given out in discontinued format that resonates to 80s period media…

…the poster design is filled with 70s vide as well!

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seen this standee anywhere?

hint, this is not in SG

A:R gets a NC16 rating, clean cut. running length, a minute shy from hitting 2hrs.

No r rated is no fun!

aiyo… R is for U.S.
NC16 is for young adults and above in SGP.
we still get the fun and same version with other markets.

for the soundtrack fans who’re onto the vinyl format…

oooh my!!!

the black record seems to be some kind of cellulite material used on premium priced fountain pens!!!

Caught this at GV yesterday afternoon. I would have to say that I do enjoy it but there are simply too many “familiar” scenes from past Alien movies that makes it kinda “predictable”.

Spoilers below Do not click if you have not yet seen the move.

Same discovery of the Alien eggs except it has been lab engineered this time round. Instead of 1 face hugger, let’s add a dozen more running around. Same kind of fate the victims if you compared it with the original Alien and Aliens., sacrifice to protect the loved ones, change in the prime directives of the “new” android, the birth a a Alien-humanoid hybrid in Alien Resurrection with a tinge of the “Engineers” from Prometheus…oh yes, there is a brief reference to Ridley Scott’s Prometheus and how the Weyland-Yutani corporation have a hand in it. Same lines, “get away you B**tch!”…so on and forth. There is NOTHING NEW as far as the killing goes except I must say it is pretty cool to inject a few cool original ideas like the use of anti-gravity to the protagonist’s advantage in a shoot-out scene and how keeping the body temperature to be the same as the surrounding can kinda “mask” the presence of the humans to do undetected by the face huggers.

In terms of horror, gore and the tense moments that most of us are familiar with the Alien and Aliens (sequel), I am happy to say that it is all there. I wouldn’t say this is the best Alien movie in the franchise but it is definitely one of the top 3 in my list.

My order of ranking is as follow:

  1. Aliens (my rating: 4.5/5)
  2. Alien (1979) (my rating: 4/5)
  3. Alien Romulus

Incidentally, Fede Alvarez knew his Alien mythology very well to know where to “slot” in Romulus…right in between the 2 most beloved and well received movies in the franchise…that is the safest bet. Clever move but the lack of originality, I can’t bring myself to give this a 4 star rating. Hence my overall rating for this 9th Alien instalment is 3.8/5.


Watched Alien Romulux in IMAX yesterday a 7.5 rating for me :slight_smile:
Got few jump scare scenes. Director for Evil dead too.
I missed the gun fire and guns Fire when Sigourney Weaver was in the earlier alien classic series !

BTW Alien directed movies by Ridley Scott dont miss the below movies!
Covenant - just finished rewatched the whole movie today it’s awesome ! Prefer it much better than Romulux :slight_smile:
Prometheus - going rewatch next!


haha…I thought you should watch Prometheus first, followed by Alien Covenant. Alien Romulus is a good little fun project that pays homage to the original Alien. Alien 3, Alien 4 Resurrection all suffer in the story plot. Fans had recently asked Fade Alverez about a possible Alien Vs Predator series and guess what, he is game for it as long as there is good story line. Romulus signals the revival of the dying Alien franchise all over again…just like what Tranchenberg did for the last Predator-themed movie, Prey. It, too has garnered quite a fan base and good reviews from critics. Fade Alvarez also cheekily mentioned about a collaboration with Tranchenberg to direct the AVP reboot, each director will helm their own “character” that they created. It could be just a figure of speech and not to be taken seriously but for movie studios where Alien Romulus made some $$$$ for the studios, this idea may take off. Who knows…


2 months to go for official release of ROMULUS thru physical media in UHD and FHD.
here’s the back art of the U.S. keepcase cover of the 2 disc “transitional pack” that contains both FHD and UHD discs, which will be the same as the steelbox release.

Dolby ATMOS track will only be limited to the 4K disc,
while the highest audio spec to the FHDBD will be DTS-HDMA7.1.
on subtitles, English/French/Spanish will be standardized to both discs.
FHDBD is region free.

official artwork design of the keepcase release

official artwork design to the steelbox release

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I will be getting the physical disc when it comes out.

DISNEY-FOX chut pattern, going to create “Collector’s Item” thru…

no, not the VHS sample tape, but rather full length feature!
here is the official announcement:
and the discussions over @ Reddit…
the VHS release idea is not new. recently from a UK publisher they made some “Collector’s Item Special” VHS release on some older Horror Flicks!

more reasons to get physical media!